// $Id: CHANGELOG.txt,v 2010/01/11 06:07:16 deciphered Exp $

FileField Paths 6.x-1.4, 2010-01-11

- #655782: Added support for the Path Filter module.
- #614992 by DarrelDuane, Deciphered: Added support for larger Filepath.
- #614190: Added logic check to prevent processing of "Add another item" string.
- #606500 by nico059, Deciphered: Added support to replace unprocessed URLs in CCK text fields.
- #565526: Added ability to replace file description with processed filename.
- #564680 by sp3boy: Improved support for Image module.
- #536384: Fixed transliteration support.
- #525354: Fixed implementations of hook_filefield_paths_get_fields().
- #522678 by chrisirhc: Fixed issue with Filepath variable and ImageField Crop.
- #515044: Fixed [filefield-onlyname] and [filefield-onlyname-original] tokens for PHP > 5.2.
- #373094: Added Active Updating functionality.
- Improved replace of unprocessed URLs for FileField Insert.
- Improved support for private file systems.
- Added support for the Audio module.
- Added cleanup of removed field instance settings.
- Fixed issue with revisions support.

FileField Paths 6.x-1.3, 2009-07-03

- #494830: Added support for FileField Sources.
- #488264: Added ImageField Crop module support.
- #485528: Fixed issue with Content Type names containing spaces.
- #480580 by Ralf: Fixed undefined indexes.
- #478924: Updated README.TXT documentation.
- #473368: Fixed issue with Pathauto cleanup removing slashes from paths.
- #466412: Fixed issue with Upload module when CCK not installed.
- #465848: Added support for the Comment Upload module.
- #457956 by jshprentz: Added schema change information.
- by libeco: Added Dutch translation.
- by wulff: Added Danish translation.
- Added support for the Image module.
- Added SimpleTests.
- Added translation template.

FileField Paths 6.x-1.2, 2009-05-01

- #447794: Updated ImageField thumbnail support.
- #434038: Added Batch process for 'Retroactive updates' (previously 'Retroactive changes').
- #428542 by k4ml: Fixed PostgreSQL issue.
- #311526: Fixed recursion error.
- Added CHANGELOG.txt and README.txt.
- Added original filename tokens.
- Added original filename in {files} table.
- Changed default File name replacement value.
- Updated API Hooks - minor change, implemented one default value.
- Fixed issue with new tokens when 'origname' field is empty.

FileField Paths 6.x-1.1, 2009-04-07

- #399318: Fixed issue with ImageField module support.
- #398754: Fixed issue with Transliteration module support.
- #373735: Added ability to replace encoded unprocessed URLs.
- #366997: Fixed multiple PHP notices.
- #363105: Fixed SQL error.
- #360303: Fixed translation issues.
- #331488 by Moonshine: Added error checking.
- #324736: Added temporary workaround for token values as array issue.
- Added support for core Upload module.
- Added 'Retroactive changes' functionality.
- Added improved support for FileField tokens.
- Added improved support for unprocessed URL replacement.
- Changed 'Retroactive changes' warning.
- Changed hook_filefield_paths_process_file() to support changes on node update.
- Changed UI element order slightly.
- Fixed issue with Tokens and FileField RC 1.
- Fixed undefined variable.
- Removed dependancy on FileField module.

FileField Paths 6.x-1.0, 2008-11-03

- Initial 6.x release.